Support Programs


The David H. McCartney Hero Project is established in memory of a beloved friend and Secured Futures founding Board member. The David H. McCartney Hero is designed for a person who may be faced with special needs and has accomplished a great feat in the face of their personal challenge or may be a person providing remarkable support, care and compassion to someone with special needs.

Nomination Guidelines

Who is Eligible?

Any current beneficiary of Secured Futures Trust, who has demonstrated remarkable courage. As well as exceptional caregivers caring for our special needs beneficiary. 

What is Eligible?

Acts, actions, and behaviors which describe courage, determination, and perseverance to overcome obstacles and challenges this includes a person with special needs, as well as, caregivers for persons with special needs who have demonstrated incredible compassion and exceptional behavior in the support and care.

How do I Nominate a Hero?

Complete and submit the David H. McCartney Hero Project nomination form. If you have questions about completing the form contact Secured Futures. Nominations will be reviewed. We make no promise, commitment or guarantee that any nomination will be awarded.


Upon approval, a person can only receive the David H. McCartney Hero award one time. Nominations are reviewed every quarter.

What Happens if your Nomination is Selected?

We will contact the person nominating the Hero and present the nominated hero with a cash award of $200.00

David H. Mccartney Hero Project Nomination Form

    Tell us About You

    Tell us About the Hero You're Nominating

    Briefly describe how this person has overcome obstacles and challenges and demonstrated remarkable courage and accomplishment to enrich their lives, or as a family member or caregiver has demonstrated incredible compassion and exceptional behavior in the support and care of people with special needs. In your description include, what they did, when they did it, where they did it and why you think this person deserves this recognition.

    By accepting this nomination Secured Futures is under no obligation or commitment to issue an award. Secured Futures has the right to verify and investigate the conditions declared and identified in this nomination form. This nomination does not constitute an agreement. The sole purpose of this nomination is to voluntarily nominate a person for recognition and to be considered for recognition.